

Half Marathon

Mea Lewis

Hleypur fyrir Empower Nepali Girls - Íslandsdeild

Samtals Safnað

2.000 kr.
Söfnuninni er lokið,
takk fyrir stuðninginn!

A lot of privilege is tied to where you happened to be born. It’s like getting a head start in a race that others don’t have, some people are so far back behind the starting line they can’t even see it. Instead of taking this privilege for granted, I hope to contribute in a substantial way to women, girls and people all over the world that they can have the access to education and opportunities: the training and the tools to get in the race & succeed. 

Empower Nepali Girls - Íslandsdeild

Empower Nepali Girls samtökin veita skólastyrki og annan stuðning til stúlkna sem annars myndu ekki fá tækifæri til að mennta sig.

Nýir styrkir

Stöðuþráður hlaupara

Upphæð1.000 kr.
Engin skilaboð
Upphæð1.000 kr.
Engin skilaboð


  • Íslandsbanki
  • Corsa
  • Suzuki
  • ÍTR
  • 66 Norður
  • Gatorade