Samtals Safnað
takk fyrir stuðninginn!
As a person working in the bartending industry I always talk about the risks that immodest alcohol consumption could have on your physical and mental wellbeing that in a long term could lead to addiction. That's why in my career I always preach for balance between a healthy life style and alcohol consumption (or any addictive or unhealthy substance in that manner). And if you ever heard me preach it usually begins with: "Quality over quantity!". The bar culture and going out is way more about human connection, exchanging ideas, networking, decompression, forming long lasting memories with your friends then about intoxication. Quality over quantity! And not just when it comes to cocktails, but in our going out experiences as well.
Coming from a culture and a family that had a lot of problems stemming from addiction I've seen what addiction can do. And how much harm can it cause... And thus I hustle and try to lead by example myself. From the words of my late Grandfather: "Words are easy. They don't mean anything, unless you stand by them with your own actions. Then they become real. Then they become powerful. Then they become ideals."
This marathon is just one of many times that I'm talking action and once again leading by my own example. Come join me! Come support the cause! If you do then there's already the two of us. And to me that is a lot, my friend!
Take care!
Samtök áhugafólks um áfengis- og vímuefnavandann (SÁÁ)
SÁÁ hjálpar einstaklingum og fjölskyldum þeirra í glímunni við fíknsjúkdóminn. Það gerir SÁÁ með fræðslu, afeitrun og meðferð í göngudeildum, á sjúkrahúsi og í meðferðarstöð. Markmið SÁÁ er að gera skjólstæðingum og fjölskyldum þeirra kleift að eignast nýtt og betra líf laus úr viðjum fíknarinnar.
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