
Down's Syndrome Association
Total collected
80,200 kr.
Pledge count
The purpose of the Down syndrome Association is to promote the welfare and rights of individuals with Down syndrome and to provide information and education for it’s members and to the public.
The goal of the association is to foster connections and empathy among members and serve as a venue where families can come together, share their experiences, and have fun!
The association organizes various events, both independently and in collaboration with others. These include educational meetings, conferences, and entertainment events.
The association's website is www.downs.is All work done by the members on behalf of the association is voluntary.
Participant that support this charity
Down's Syndrome Association
11% of goal
Down's Syndrome Association
6.4% of goal
New pledges
Pledge history
Amount7,000 kr.
Nathan Pelletier
Amount5,000 kr.
Amount33,500 kr.
Ann Pála Gísladóttir
Amount10,000 kr.
Andrea & Hildur Edda
Amount2,000 kr.
Edda Falak
Amount5,000 kr.
Amount5,000 kr.
Gunnhildur Pétursdóttir
Amount5,000 kr.
Amount2,000 kr.
Marie Socodiabehere
Amount700 kr.
Heiða Rakel Guðmundsdóttir
Amount5,000 kr.