
Samtals Safnað
Ákjósanleg greiðsluleið
In August, I'll be taking on a challenge that's particularly close to my heart: running the Reykjavik marathon. But beyond the sporting challenge, it's above all a personal and human commitment that I'm making.
I'm running to support the Down's Syndrome association, which works every day to support and improve the lives of people with Down's Syndrome. This cause touches me deeply, because my closest friends have a wonderful little girl with Down's syndrome. At their side, I've been able to measure just how essential support, resources and kindness are... and above all I've understood that, whatever the difficulties, love remains the greatest force on this earth.
Through this race, I hope not only to surpass myself, but above all to raise funds to contribute, in my own small way, to these essential projects: promoting inclusion, funding educational programmes and supporting families who, every day, go forward with courage and love.
If you feel like encouraging me, you can do so not only with your words, but also with a donation, large or small, which will go directly to the association. Every gesture counts.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support in this sporting adventure of solidarity.
Downs félagið
Tilgangur Félags áhugafólks um Downs heilkenni er að stuðla að velferð og réttindum einstaklinga með Downs-heilkenni og standa að fræðslu til félagsmanna og almennings. Markmið félagsins er að efla tengsl og samkennd milli félagsmanna og vera vettvangur þar sem fjölskyldur og aðstandendur koma saman, miðla af reynslu sinni og hafa gaman! Félagið stendur fyrir ýmsum viðburðum, bæði sjálfstætt og í samvinnu við aðra. Má þar nefna fræðslufundi, ráðstefnur og skemmtanir. Heimasíða félagsins er www.downs.is Allt starf félagsmanna í þágu félagsins er unnið í sjálfboðavinnu.
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